ECD-REG Website
E-mail (sales and enquiries)
E-mail (Technical support)
Please read this help file carefully before mailing me questions. If you want to report a problem read this page first. This Section will give a brief description of each button on the main menu page. You can alos purchase a seperate ROA (Read Only Licence) to view all backed up and saved logs on a separate PC. Useful if a society inspector needs to view yours records, as this will stop any disruption to normal practice. (see website for more details)
ECD-REG is an electronic controlled drugs register. Designed and developed by Raf Systems. It allows you to record both dispensed and received controlled drugs and also record destroyed stock and patient returns. It is both legal and designed with pharmacy in mind. You can restrict access to only certain users and also set a system password. It has an events log which records any changes made. It also allows you to create and manage patient profiles where you can store patient pictures and view medication history.
Make sure you are familiar with the laws regarding electonic recording. See how to store old registers Special Notes
First Install
When you first run ECD-REG you will be shown a few messages containing information and instructions you should follow.
You will be asked to enter a batch name for the first batch of logs. This could be something like batch1 or batch20122007. See section on Batches for more information.
You will also be asked to select which drugs you want to add to your drug database. To begin your drug database is empty, so you can build it by only selecting those drugs which you come across in your practice. There are over 30 drugs in the root drug database and it would inappropriate to add them all (although the option to do so is available if you wish to do so). Having only a few drugs in the database will make it easier for you to find the right section when making entries into registers.
If you are running the program in trial mode or are beta testing please note that the time starts on the day of the first install.
Note you must create atleast one user account (from the edit menu) before using the program and making any entries.
Step by Step Guide:
Follow the instructions below which will guide right from installing the program to making your first entry.
Double Click the .msi File To Begin Installation.
Make sure to the read ALL readme files.
Choose the location to install to.
Read the ReadMe file.
Shortcuts to the program will be placed on your desktop and quick launch bar.
Run ECD-REG by clicking the shortcut or better Right click and select Run As Administrator
Read all the message prompts carefully.
Follow on screen instructions to create a new batch.
Follow on screen instructions to add new drugs to your database.
If you have a licence key click ‘Manage Licences’ from the help menu.
Enter your unique licence key and the email that was sent to you.
Once entered successfully you will have to register online.
To register online you must have an internet connection.
Select ‘Register Online’ from the Help menu.
Select Manage Users from the Edit menu.
Create a new user account by filling in all fields and pressing add.
Click the Drugs/Stock button on the main screen.
Go through each each in the database and enter the actual stock figure. Then press update.
When updating stock figures you will have to provide a reason. If you have just installed this would be
Something along the lines of ‘first install, manual stock entry’.
If you have stock you can now make a dispensed entry, otherwise click the ‘Received’ button to enter received stock.
To make an entry click on the ‘Make Entry’ Button.
On the form that pops up fill in all details, double check and then press ok.
You may have to confirm the entry.
Repeat as necessary for other dispensed, received or destroyed stock.
Once you have made all the entries for the day click the Backup button on the main screen.
Select where you want to backup to, enter additional information then press ok/save.
Main Menu:
The main menu is from where you can access the majority of the features of this program. It shows the drug database along with stock balances. The two main buttons let you access either the dispensed or received registers. The destroyed drug registers can only be accessed from the view menu.
You will also see the system date and the date the last backup was made on.
The globe in the top right side of the screen informs you if the program can detect an internet connection.
The following menus are available:
New batch, settings, exit program.
View/edit all databases
View all registers including destrustion log for patient returned controlled drugs and expired stock.
View documents, about, version info, updates etc..
Dispensed/Received Buttons.
Clicked Dispensed to enter dispensed drug register for section selected. Clicked Received to enter in any controlled drugs received for section selected. Alternatively select the section you require using the up and down keys and select dispensed by pressing ‘left’ OR select Received by pressing ‘right’ key.
Section List.
The section list in the middle of the screen shows all current drug sections. Select a section by clicking on it or using the up/down arrow keys.
Restore Logs.
If for example your data is lost or accidentally deleted, you can restore data from a previous backup. Restore can also be used if for example you reinstalled the program onto another PC and you want to carry on with the data/logs from a backup. The backup can contain system settings so when you restore from this backup the system settings will automatically be updated. Note when you restore any existing Logs in your batch folder or existing databases/profiles are replaced, unless the backup does not contain these. So if you made a backup of just the system settings and then restored from this backup only the system settings will be restored and all current logs/databases will be kept the same.
Backup Logs.
Click This To make backup of all log and essential system files to your selected destination. It is recommended that you always backup to floppy disk as this can be kept safe in case your PC crashes. When selected you will be asked to select which dir to save to. Please note when creating backups all previous files will be deleted, in the destination selected. You will be asked for a name to save the backup as (in the selected folder), by default this is today’s date.
Click on this to view the drugs database, add new drugs, update drug details or to adjust stock values.
Events Log:
All actions and modifications are stoed in the events log, with the date and intials of the user.
Exit The Program.
Click this to view and edit all patients in the database.
Donate And Buy Now.
A lot of effort has gone into producing this program as well as testing, promotion, website development and free maintenance/updates but nonetheless it is being offered at a very affordable price. Therefore your generosity would be most welcome if you would like to make any amount of donations to support further development and maintenance of this program. Thanks.
The Buy Now button lets you make a quick purchase of an unlock serial over the internet, using Paypal’s secure web transaction service. You can pay using credit cards or using a paypal account. Press the button for more details. Once you press Buy Now you will be taken to the ECD REG buy now website where you will be given the opportunity to REVIEW the purchase before confirming it. You can cancel the purchase by closing the webpage.
The 28 day trial version is completely free with no obligation to buy, however we are sure once you see the advantages of electronic recording you would not want to miss out on this offer.
File Menu
New Batch
Import Batch..
Export Batch to…
Program Settings
Master Reset..
Clear All Registers..
Clear Events Log..
A batch is basically a collection of logs/registers. You might only ever have one batch (which you created on first install). However you may wish to create a new batch every year. If you are busy and make alot of entries into dispensed/received registers after a while you may have very large log files. These files will take up alot of space. The larger the log the longer it will take to process and may slow down your program/system. Therefore at this stage you may choose to start a new batch. The current batch will remain in the batches folder and you can import/view whenever is necessary. If there is a legal requirement to store electronic record for a specific time period you will have to keep that batch (folder) safe for the amount of time specified from the date of the last entry in that batch. You may wish to copy the batch folder to an external disk for safe storage.
It is not recommended to remove the ‘batch folder’ from the Batches folder, this is because if you do the entries which are in there will not show up in your patients medication history in the profile view screen. Note a batch does not include database files or profiles (.dtb files and .ecdpic files). When you load in a batch, at present, the stock balance or drug database will also not be affected and will remain as was for the previous batch you were using. If you load in a batch which contains logs for drugs which arent in your drug database they will be added to the database
Here can you can change the following settings.
In some cases the date used as today’s date by the program might not be correct. Use this to manually enter in the correct date. This can occur if for example the date on your PC is incorrect or there has been a problem accessing the current date from your PC. Make sure you enter the date in the correct format. (01/01/06).
Backup Check:
By default the program checks and warns the user if a backup has not been made two days after the last backup. The user can change this value to a specific number of days. You can also diable this feature here/
Security Settings:
Enter a password and then again to confirm it. Entreing a password here adds additional security to the program and it means that before ANY feature/register is accessed or modified the user will have to enter the password.
User Settings:
If a default user has been set you can cancel it here. If a default user has been set and no password is set, the ‘user account’ selection window does not pop up before accessing a feature.
The default user can also be reset in the ‘User Accounts’ window.
Choose Background Color:
This asks the user to select the color used for the background. This can be toggled on/off by pressing the color icon in the top right of the screen
Set Interace (GUI) Scheme:
This asks the user to select the Scheme to use for the User Interface.
The program password can be set in the program settings form the File Menu. The password can be used to restrict access to only those people who know your password. The password must then be entered before accessing any feature, even if a default user is set.
This can be used to prevent unauthorized access/editing within the program and to stop non-staff members accessing the program.
Edit Menu
User Accounts
Select this is you want to add or delete user accounts. You must have atleast one user account before accessing most features or making an entry.
Drug Database
Lets you view/edit your current drug database. You can only make entries (dispensed/recieved/destroyed stock) for drugs which are in this database. So if you need to make an entry for a drug which is not in here you will have to add it manually. To add a drug on the drugs/stock window enter all relevant fields then press add. If the drug exists you will be notified. Please note when you add a new drug to the database the stock balance will be zero and you will have to set the value as manually.
Add From Root Drug Database
Lets you add new drugs to your current drug database from the root drug database. The root database contain a list of most common controlled drugs found in practice. If the drug you want to add is not in the root drug database you will have to add it manually. Please also notify of of this drug so that we can add it to the root drug databse.
Adjust Stock Value
When you have installed for the first time and have selected the drugs to add to your database all stock balances will be zero. You will have to manually enter your current existing stock values. You may wish to manually count and enter values one by one or transfer stock values from your written registers. To do so from the main menu click the drugs/stock button or select Adjust stock balance from the Edit menu.
To adjust a stock value select the drug from the list. Adjust the stock balance in the appropriate field, then select the reason for adjusting it, in this case the reason will be ‘first time manual stock entry’. Then press the update button. The stock balance for the selected drug will be updated in real time. You can use the same technique to edit other details such as drug name, strength and form. Remember to press update to save any changes you make.
Patient Profiles:
Patient profiles contain details on patients who you dispense controlled drugs to. Information such as photos, name, address, patient specific notes, medical history and exemption details can be stored. You can make as many as many profiles as required. If some patients visit your other branches you can export profile database and import it on their system. To view patient profiles click the Patient button on the main screen or choose Patient Profiles on the Edit Menu. In the window that pops up you can view,clear or delete current profiles. Each patient has a unique reference which helps when searching registers. When you select a patient and press ok you will be presented with the patient profile screen.
If you use a regular prescribers it would make sense to add them to the prescribers database so when making entries it will save you time, as you can simply select the prescriber from the database as opposed to entering all the fields manually.
If you use a regular pharmacist/locums it would make sense to add them to the pharmacists database so when making entries it will save you time, as you can simply select the pharmacist from the database as opposed to entering all the fields manually.
If you use regular suppliers it would make sense to add them to the suppliers database so when making received stock entries it will save you time, as you can simply select the supplier from the database as opposed to entering all the fields manually. When you enter a new recieved stock entry and enter a new account number. The program will store the supplier and account number so you can select it from the drop down list next time you make a new entry.
If a password has been set or no default user has been set you will be asked to select/enter this informatoiin before proceeding.
All databases can be viewed and edited via the Edit Menu on the main screen. Note when you first install ECD REG all databases will be blank, for example doctors lists, suppliers lists and patient profiles. It is up to the user to build these databases.
If you already have lists saved elsewhere or have obtained these from elsewhere you can import these.
Most database windows have import/export/print and clear buttons. If you imnport an database (.dtb file) the current database will be deleted and overwritten. Therefore if you wish to keep the current database remember to export it to another location. The print button will print out the entire database as a text file, it will use notepad or your operating system’s default text viewer to print it.
The clear button will clear the entire database.
All database files are stored in the datafolder. Please do not delete or move these. If you wish to copy to another location it is best to use the export function.
Note all actions will be logged into the events log.
Help Menu
View Documents:
This will launch the documents form, from where you can view current documents in the documents database. You can also add additional documents/websites to the database.
Displays program information, version info, current batch info and creditting.
ECD-REG Website:
Opens the ECD-REG main sales and info website using your default browser.
Check For Updates:
It is recommended that you check for backups every week.
If any new versions or updates are found you will be notified. You can then choose to download the updates.
When updating the program itself is closed to allow for changes to the program to be added. Therefore before you check for updates please make sure you are not in the middle of anything and if possible make a backup! Once the program closes the external updator will open and all relevant updates will be downloaded.
Once complete ERC will re-open automatically (if the updating was successfull) and the version number along with any additional components will be updated.
Updates are free until notified otherwise.
Manage Licences:
Opens a form where you can see your current licence(s), activate new licence keys and also activate the ROA feature.
Register Online:
This function can be used in the full version. The function basically adds your email address to our mailing list. We will send out information, latest news, updates and new programs available to you, via email. Your email be be kept confidential and not passed on to any other third parties. It is also helpful to us to allow us to stop people abusing serials. This is a crucial stage of llicencing the software and you will be reminded to do so if you have not already.
Email Us:
Opens a form which you can use to email us about anything in general.
Bug Report:
Opens a form which you can use to email us with any bug reports.
Send Feedback/Suggestion:
Opens a form which you can use to email us any suggestions or feedback you may have.
Register Interface
Both dispensed and recieved stock registers have a similar interface. The main differences are the data that is represented and what you can search for.
The header of each register contains the name, strengtha nd form of the the drug.
Below this you will see the date of the first entry and last entry made in that section. This is essential as this section will have to be kept, by law, a certain number of years after this date.
You will also see the total number of entries in this section and the stock balance is also displayed here. The units will be the default units you specified in the drugs database from.
The page number is shown in the top right. Click the arrows to change page numbers or use the mouse wheel to scroll through.
Below this is the table. Each page shows five entries and depending on the seach values each entry will be normal or highlighted.
You can right click the register to access several features such as clearing all selections.
Below this are the buttons which enable you to carry out functions or exit to the main screen. These are as follows:
Error Note
Make Entry
Below the Make Entry and Repeat Buttons there is a checkbox which sets whether a confirmation prompt is shown after each entry is made. The Confirmation step allows the user to double check their entry before it is finalized, showing you the new stock balance. You may wish to uncheck the confirm boxes if you want to leave out this step. Useful when making multiple repeat entries.
How To Make An Entry
You have three options for making an entry
1 – Make a new entry:
Click on this if it is for a new patient (or supplier), or the entry contains data different to previous entries for that patient/supplier. You will be presented with the opportunity to select from a list of patients or suppliers from your database.
A dialogue (input) box will open which allows you to enter all relevant data. In most cases an example for each line of data is given. The address can have maximum of four lines so you can space out the full address within these lines. Always put the POST CODE in line FOUR.
To select a patient or supplier from your database click the find button. After selecting the relevant patient/supplier press ok and all relevant fields will be filled in for you.
Click on each field to change the data. When you press enter it automatically selects the next field for entry.
The amount field does not require units!
Press OK to confirm data.
You can use Control + (x, c or v) to cut, copy or paste text, respectively.
2 – Repeat Entry.
If you are making a similar entry to a previous one it makes sense to simply repeat the entry. In this case select the entry from the register and press repeat. Each page holds five entries but you can scroll through the pages (pressing left or right arrow keys) and select as many entries as you want from any page. When you press repeat a dialogue box will pop up and all the data fields will have the data from the entry you selected, you can then make any necessary adjustments. Press OK to confirm. If the confirm box is checked you will be asked to double check your entry. The process will be repeated for all entries selected. To cancel the entire repeat process click on the exit button at the top right of the input dialogue box (pressing cancel only cancels the current entry).
In both cases after you have made the entry the program allows you to double check for any errors and confirm the entry. If you notice errors later on you will have to make an error note as entries can not be changed once confirmed.
3 – Repeat Lists.
If you have for example 10 methadone patients who you dispense to everyday for the same amounts, it makes sense to speed the process for recording these even more. The first time you repeat these select all the entries that will be repeated. Then press repeat button. All the entries will be listed. Double check these. Now click on EXPORT to save this list as a ‘Repeat List’. Now press ok on the list form. Now the following day or the next time you make entries, do not select any entries and press REPEAT. Next press import and select the Repeat List you saved previously. When it loads it will show the entries in the list form. Double check and press OK. Go through each entry and always double check the values. This will save you alot of time on daily repeat entries.
In the Program Settings there are checkboxes that you can use to set whether the program will automatically confirm new entires or repeat entries. The Confirmation step asks the user to double check their entry before it is finalized and calculates the new balance as a check. You may wish to uncheck the confirm boxes if you want to leave out this step. Useful when making multiple repeat entries as it minimizes the amount of user input required.
So if you already have entries which you have checked uncheck the confirmation boxes . By doing this you only be required to press OK ONCE for each new entry
If you need to search for a specific entry or entries made on a specific date etc…click the search button..
Next select which parameter you want to search by.
In most cases if a search filter is matched that entry will be highlighted.
Only one search can be performed at a time. When you select a new search all previous search filters will be deleted.
In the stock register you can also search by invoice or account numbers.
I want to find the entry made for Harold Smith on 01/11/06.
Click search. Select patient (patient’s name).
Type Harold Smith and press enter/OK
All his entries will be highlighted.
Next click search and select goto date, select the date and press ok.
The program will move to the page showing the first entry made on this date.
Scroll until you find the patients entry (which should still be highlighted)
I am carrying out an audit and want to know how many times a script from DR Jackson was dispensed.
Click search. Select PRESCRIBER (PRESCRIBERS’S name).
Type DR Jackson or enter his reg no. (this is easier and more accurate) and press enter/OK
All his entries will be highlighted.
Go to page 1 for this section. You can now manually count how many entries are highlighted.
To make life easier, you can use the ‘collated search’ feature which would automatically count these for you (see herefor ‘Multi-Level Collated Searching’)
Collated Search
In the Program Settiings there is a checkbox labelled ‘Collate search results’. The search results returned will depend on whether or not this box is ticked.
To perform normal searches make sure the box is unchecked. After a search is performed all entries which match the search filter set will be highlighted in blue.
To perform collated searches make sure the box is checked. After a search is performed all entries that match the search filter will be collated together and ONLY these entries will shown on screen. You can view these entries as normal.
You can then perform another collated search using the entries returned as many times as you want. If no entries match the search filter a message will be shown.
For example:
You are viewing the dispensed methadone register and would like to view only those entries for a patient named ‘Susan Smith’ which were prescribed by Dr Khan.
So your two filters are:
Patient Name = “Susan Smith”
Prescriber = “Dr Khan”
First make sure you have checked the “Collate search results” check box. Next click on ‘Search’ on the appropriate register screen and select patient name. Enter Susan Smith. All entries for this patient will be shown on screen. However there may be different prescribers. As you only want to see those entries which have Dr Khan as the presciber you then do another search using these result. Click ‘Search’ again and select prescriber. Enter ‘Dr Khan’ and press enter. All entries shown on the screen should now match the two search shown above.
You could then repeat the above steps to find entries where the amount was a specific amount, or to only show entries entered by a specific user (initials).
Error Notes
Once you have made an entry by law you may not alter it in any way. Therefore always check an entry before comfirming. If however you do notice an error later on. Click on the error note button.
Select the entry from the register ,on the current page, you wish to ammend.
Make the error note when it asks you to.
You will notice once you have made the note that an asterix will be present below the date for that entry with a number from 1-5.
By clicking on this asterix you can see the error note.
Like with entries once you’ve made an entry it can not be altered, so always double check.
Error notes will be printed on the bottom of the page when printing pages to hard copy. (Please try and keep error notes to a minimum to ensure they fit on the page when printing OR alternatively switch off ‘Print Error Notes’ In File menu Settings.)
Print Page
You might want to make a hard copy of your entries as backup or in case copies have been requested from authoritative bodies.
The program lets you print out one page at a time or a range of pages using your default jpeg/jpg file handler. This program will be opened and the page(s) will be printed from that program. You can set which program is associated with jpeg file manually through that program’s preferences or by using the File Menu. You may have to make adjustments to the printing settings to make sure the register fits correctly onto the page.
Therefore before finalizing the print make sure your printer settings are correct and view the print preview.
You might want to enable quick print if printing many pages. It is also essential that you have PORTRAIT mode enabled otherwise the table will print wrong.
To print one page select the page you wish to print and press the print button, then select print page.
To print a range of pages press the print button, then select ‘Range of Pages’. Enter the number of the first page followed by the last page you wish to print. The program will print the first page you gave upto and including the last page you specified.
You can also print a scetion cover sheet for hard copies. You can also print off a blank section cover sheet(s) and manually complete it.
Page Size:
the size of the printout can be varied. Lower sizes will give faster printouts but please note the lower the % the lower the quality and clarity of the printout. By law the records have to be legible so be careful when using small sizes.
Program Used To Print:
This can be set in the program settings from the file menu. As ECD-REG does not print directly to the printer, when printing the page is sent to the program of your choice. The reason for this is to allow you more control over how documents are printed. For example you can set the printing program as your image editor and then when you print the document will be sent to and opened by the editor. You can then maybe add extra info or you company logo etc… before printing
Right Clicking Registers
You can right click on all registers to bring up the pop up menu. The menu allows you to to the following:
Select all entries on page:
Select all five entries on the current page.
Cancel All Selections:
This unselects ALL selected entries in the current register.
Cancel Collated Search:
If you have just run a collated search, i.e. only those entries in the register which match your search filter are shown, then clicking on this will show all the entries again.
Cancel All Search Filters:
If you have a search filter enabled and hence some entries are highlighted in blue, clicking on this will cancel it.
Enter Licence
After you have made a payment for the licence the licence key will sent to you via email. You will have to use this email address along with the licence key to upgrade the software to the full version. The licence key is long and is case sensitive so it is recommended to copy and paste it and not to type it manually. To upgrade your trial version select Manage Licences from the Help menu. You will be presented with a form where you can enter your details.
After entering the licence it will be checked to see if it is valid. If succesfull you will be notified on screen. If you are connected to the internet please then select Register Online from the Help Menu to complete the registration. If you are connected to the net please do this step at a later date or email us to imform us that you have succeefully entered your licence key.
Remember this licence expires in a year from the date you enter it
Clearing Registers and events log
Master Reset
This is used to reset all logs (register entries) and reset all program settings to their original default values. Please note all LOGS will be deleted. please do a full backup before using this feature if you are just resetting system settings, Then use restore logs after resetting.
Clear All Registers.
This will ONLY clear all registers in the current batch. It will NOT reset any system settings/defaults. This drug register you have on your main list will remain the same aswell.
Clear Event Logs
This will clear all entries from the events log. This can also be done on the events log window
Special Notes
When asked for an input if the input field is left blank the operation will be cancelled. Exception is the address fields where you can omit one or two lines.
For pharmacists name and prescribers name you must separate the name and the reg no. with a comma!
You can use Control + (x, c or v) to cut, copy or paste text, respectively.
How to Store Registers:
It is recommended that all backups are made to floppy disk or USB flash drives on a daily basis. If you have a lot of patient profiles, due to the size of picture files, the backup may not fit on to a floppy disk (>1.4MB). In this case you will be given a warning. You can backup just the logs onto floppy and then backup all files onto Hard Drive.
There are two ways to store older or previous years logs as per the legally required terms:
1 – Export the Batch.
Click File Menu->Export Batch Then Export a copy of your current batch to a safe location like a flash drive or floppy disk. Then Goto File Menu->New Batch. Enter a new batch name. The new batch will have no entries in it. When you create a new batch the previous batch folder is left in place (most likely in the ECDREG/Batches/folder). You can then make entries as normal all entries will be saved in the new batch folder.
2 – Making Backups
Make a full backup by clicking BACKUP on the main menu. Save the backup to a safe location like a flash drive or floppy diisk. Keep this drive safe for the legally required number of years. Please note isfyou ever needed to view these entries again and you RESTORED the backup, all the current stock values and dtb files (such as prescribers and paitent lists) would also replace your existing data!! After making your backup click File Menu->Clear Registers. Do not reset the stock values. You can then make entires as normal. Note the batch name will still be the same, but the batch folder will be cleared/emptied.
So how you would use this method is either to install ECD-REG with a ROA licence to a seperate PC used only to view registers. So when you restore, the stock values and other data is not of use and can be ignored.
Or when you want to view/audit from example last years stored backup, you first make a full backup of your existing data. Then restore the stored backup. Then you can do your auditing or checks. When complete restore the current years backup you made.
Entry Limit And Storing Records
There is a limit on the number of entries that can be made within each section in the trial version, this has been set to about 1000 unique entries. In the full registered version an unlimited number of entries can be made.
There is a legal requirement on how long electronic records of controlled drugs have to be kept for just like written records. But whereas written records have to be kept for 2 years electronic version may have to be kept for longer (over 11 years). The exact time period will not be specified so you will have to find this out for yourself. Therefore it is recommended to store your backup on a safe, durable media device such as a flash drive, zip drive or maybe floppy disk.
New year, new batch?
End of current year/period :
– Make a full backup to floppy disk or flash drive.
– Label this floppy disk with the date of the first entry and the date of the last entry (i.e. marking the ‘to’ and ‘from’ dates for this batch).
– Make another backup on hard disk for extra security.
– In addition to this you could also have made a hard copy, to be kept in a bound folder, by printing off page by page during the period or at the end. (It would be more convenient if you do wish to keep hard copies that you print off a page once it is complete rather than waiting till the end as the latter would be very time consuming).
-Once the backup is made we will now start the new batch for the next year/period.
– To do this select new batch from the file menu.
– The new batch folder is created in the ‘Batches’ folder in your program directory (normally c:FilesREG
– The previous batch folder will still be present in the ‘Batches’ folder just in case you need to view any entries in it.
Patient Profile Screen
The Patient Profile Screen allows you to build up a database of all your regular patients who you dispense controlled drugs to. There are several features which can prove invaluable.
On the patient profile screen you can store upto four photos of either the patient or the patient’s representative. You can view any notes made for this patient or add/delete them as necessary. You can also edit the patients details. To edit the name and address click on the relevant box on the top right of the screen. The box should highlight in blue when the mouse is over it. All changes are saved in realtime so changes you make are effective immediately. The dispensed drug history shows any entries in the main Batch folder which match the patient’s name and reference number. Note entries found in ALL batches will be shown, therefore if you select to view an entry which is not in the current batch you will not be able to access it. In order to view that entry you would have to load in that batch from the main menu.
1 – Patient Pictures
When you first add a patient there will be no picture. There are two ways in which you can add photos to the profile, the first is using a webcam the second is via loading in an image file off disk.
In order to use a webcam you have to have a valid webcam attached to your PC and it should be setup to be your default webcam. The settings of the webcam can not be adjusted within ECD-REG so they will have to be set using your operating system. To obtain the webcam picture click the acquire button (top right of screen) . A seperate window will open showing the webcam image (at a frame rate of 30FPS). Ask the patient to stand in front of the camera and when you have a good clean shot press the capture button. To abort the webcam capture press cancel.
To load in an image press load, select the file required and press ok. Please note the picture must be a jpg, jpeg, bmp or gif file only and have the dimensions (320 x240 pixels) if not the picture will be scaled to fit. You can have a combination of 4 photos per patient, these can be all of the patient or patient’s representatives etc..
2 – Patient Information
To edit the current patient details shown in the top right of the patient profile screen press the edit button. You can now edit various details such as address, date of birth and even the name of the patient. Please note if you change the name of the patient the patient’s History will change according to the new name, hence all entries for the old name will not be recognized for this patient. The patients reference number cannot be modified nor can the ‘date created’ date for the profile. Once you have edited the relevant details press OK. The details are saved to the database in real-time.
3 – Patient Notes.
You may wish to leave notes for staff, yourself or locums regarding the patient. For example “Supervised dose in the morning” or “keep an eye on him/her in the shop” etc..
Both patient notes and pictures can help locums or new members of staff quickly determine if patients are genuine and what to expect. You can add/delete notes by pressing ‘add ‘or ‘delete’ as often as you like and as many as required.
4 – Patient History
The patient’s history shows all controlled drugs that have been dispensed to that patient. Bear in mind if you made any entries for this patient before you made their profile these entries may not show in the history. The reason for this is that the search is
When you first enter the Patient Profile Screen the History list will show all the registers which contain entries made for this patient. Once you have selected the section you require from the list, press ‘view’. The History list will now change and show all the entries within this register made for this patient. You can select a specific entry and press ‘view’ again to see the full entry in the register selected. You will be shown the first entry made for the patient on the date selected. All entries, however, will be highlighted. You can remove the highlights by pressing ‘Search’ and selecting ‘Cancel Searches’.
Click ‘Back’ to go to the previous list.
More information may be added in later versions.
Patient Button
The Patient Button is on the main menu screen and on the Patient Profile screen. The action is different between these.
1 – Main Menu Screen
Click the Patient Button to see the list of all patients in the database. The list can be sorted alphabetically. To view the patient’s details select the patient and press ‘select’. To add a new patient press ‘New’. To delete a patient press ‘delete’ after selecting the patient from the list.
2 – Patient Profile Screen
You can view other patients from within the patient profile screen. Remember all information is saved automatically before the next proflie is viewed.
Program Info
This program is commercial shareware and by law may not be reproduced or distributed without prior authorization from the author. Any attempt of reverse engineering or breach of copyright will be taken seriously and action taken accordingly.
This program is an electronic controlled drugs register to be used within the pharmacy and related professions. It allows you to make individual and repeat entries for both dispensed and received stock. A running balance of all stocks is also maintained by the program. A simple 3 step method of making entries is outlined on the main menu screen.
All attempts have been made to comply with current legislation relating to the entry of controlled drugs if however you notice any issues or have any other enquiries please email me or use the contact number below..
Technical support will be provided by email (primary method), phone or remote assistance. There will not be any charges for technical support but please read this. Only issues related to the running, maintenance and installation of the program can be dealt with. The program is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10 and 11 however no guarantees can be given. It is up to the user/client to check whether the program will work with their operating system/PC before purchase a license. We have recently tested the software on Windows 11, 64 Bit.
The subscription covers not only technical sevice for the full year but also updates for the year.
Dont forget your ROA licence which can be purchased for a one off cost and can be installed on any PC.
Mobile: 07867660552 or 07789264613.
E-mail (technical support)
Please read this help file carefully before mailing me questions. If you want to report a problem read this page first.